The Spiritual Anatomy of Healing – Winter 2023

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(This course will occur again in the fall of 2023. Please contact for questions)

Day/time of the week: Friday, 4.00-5.30 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)
Cost: $400 (Space is limited, sign up now)

Instructor: Kathleen Benson & guest speakers

This online course will focus on the spiritual anatomy of healing, as Jesus Christ taught, The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You. Most humans are intimately connected to the outer world of living and are unaware of the art and science of one’s spiritual anatomy. As one delves inwardly, every person can access their inner heavens which offers continuous communion with all pervading love and joy, even in the midst of challenging times. In congruence with a student’s introduction to Dwapara Yuga and Kriya Yoga (The Age of Energy and the Science of Self Realization) participants will learn about Quantum Healing and how to pull oneself out of living in the outer world and live in unison inwardly with one’s true nature. We will learn from the teachings of the Great Masters and modern-day mystics who walk in harmony with the Great Ones. You will meet and learn from great souls with spiritual gifts to help humanity put itself on the spiritual highway vs. the material merry-go-round. Each participant will be asked to complete a short project on an aspect of Spiritual Anatomy that is meaningful to them. You’ll learn:

  • The Art & Science of Dwapara Healing (Overview of Philosophy and Spiritual Anatomy
  • Introduction to the Akashi Records and Healing
  • Emotions, Thoughts & Habits: How Your Stress Response System Influences Disease
  • The Chakras: Healing Power Houses
  • Quantum Healing—An Introduction to the Field
  • Dwapara & Vibrational Healing Techniques
  • Blessing of the Energy Centers
  • Somatic Healing Techniques 
  • Quantum Physics and Healing
  • Yoga, Mantras & Healing 
  • Energy Medicine
  • Healing Prayers & Affirmations

Kathleen Benson, M.A.

Kathleen Benson, M.A. is a graduate of the Leadership Institute of Seattle and holds a graduate degree in Applied Behavioral Sciences. She is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and has developed her expertise over 35 years of practice and study in the fields of self-transformation, spirituality, and trauma.In 2018 Kathleen faced a life-threatening illness that caused her to radically refocus her life. Her life mission now is to help others learn the spiritual anatomy of healing and mostly, to experience En Theos (the God Within).

Kathleen is the founder of EMDR First Aid, an educational training service that instructs spiritual seekers how to overcome challenging emotions and live with greater ease, inner freedom and joy. In 1997, Kathleen co-founded Ananda’s first Education for Life preschool and has served as a school administrator for both private and public-school sectors. Kathleen is Kriyaban and has been a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda since 1994. She is also an avid follower of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s neuroscience methods for transformation, change, and epigenetics.