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Ananda College

Students at all levels can enjoy the support and inspiration of like-minded souls through our various programs.

Our Mission

The mission of Ananda College is to help individuals clarify and empower their aspirations, and attune themselves to levels of higher consciousness from which to engage in their work. This dynamic and purposeful attunement is applicable to every person in all aspects of life.

Swami Kriyanda (1926 – 2013) was Ananda’s founder. He wrote the book “Education for Life” and was supportive of creating schools with a new emphasis on education.

World Cultures & Consciousness Talks

We recently hosted a series of twenty webinars with authors, researchers, and teachers involved in the field of consciousness studies including Science, Mythology, Yoga Philosophy, Psychology and more. Webinars are available here on-demand for your enjoyment and inspiration.

Watch Webinars

Ananda Village

Our 6,000-title Library of Higher Consciousness is located at Rajarshi Park in Ananda Village. Our rural setting, adjacent to the Ananda Spiritual Community, primarily provides a space of psychic quiet in which the guidance of one’s higher self can be heard. Past students of the College have expressed how much it meant to have such an experiential setting in nature that complements intellectual inquiry, and is not overshadowed by it. Ananda Village recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary.

A Brief History of Ananda College

In the late 1980’s, Swami Kriyananda, Ananda’s founder, spoke about Ananda Village that “someday there will be a college here!” In 1946, his guru, Yogananda, in his epic “Autobiography of a Yogi,” had expressed his desire to create a Yoga Institute: “I plan to open a Yoga Institute here. The blessed role of Kriya Yoga in the West has hardly more than just begun. May all men come to know that there is a definitive, scientific technique of self-realization for the overcoming of all human misery.”  Learn more about our history

Ananda College is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational institution registered with the state of California.