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Library of Higher Consciousness

Library Salon Series Library Film Series Browse Library Catalog

Located at Rajarshi Park in Ananda Village

The Internet has given us the ability to access information quickly and easily but the availability of quality information and research on Higher Consciousness is often difficult to find.  Many books in our library contain a wealth of information and esoteric knowledge that does not exist on the Internet. Learn more about the library

“The Library is a great resource.  It’s a wonderful quiet space for me and there are books on a wide variety of topics that interest me especially on spirituality, health, the environment and wisdom traditions.”

Visiting the Library

Ananda College Library
Tyler Foote Road, Suite 167
Nevada City, CA 95959

(530) 478-7687

Open to the Public on Saturdays, 11-2pm
or for members by appointment

To Reserve a Book

Browse Ananda College Library of Higher Consciousness Online Catalog

For information, or to make an appointment to visit the library, please contact admissions@anandacollege.org.

To reserve a book, send us a message by clicking the “Ask about this book” button in the online catalog or by using the form below and provide us with the title and author. If you do not have or know that information, you may also give the topic or category. We will do a search for you and provide you with a list of available titles. Your book(s) can be held in the library or delivered to the mailroom for your convenience.

Not sure what to read? Here are some suggestions of Good Reads

Contact the Library

Support the Library

Would you like to see the Library of Higher Consciousness become widely accessible? If so, we invite you to become a Friend of the Library of Higher Consciousness.  You can make a tax-deductible donation today to help us to build and expand the library.

Become a Friend

Upcoming Events at the Library

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