
man walking through wave

The Law of Miracles

I hope you are doing well and full of light! I say this because we are light. It may not feel that way when we trip and fall or twist our ankle, but underneath the fabric of our being exists a great wave of light that we are all a part of.

Sphinx Mysteries, Ancient Snake Energy in Greece & Egypt

In yogic terms, Kundalini is associated with snakelike energy.  Kundalini awakening can be powerful, the cosmic current or energy within our subtle spine.  The circular movement of energy is the Ida and Pingala, which moves around the Sushumna. 

third eye

Treta Yuga Mind Power

Once, many years ago I witnessed a healing that’s taken half a lifetime to understand. I was quite young, perhaps only six.  My mother, raised by a Christian Scientist grandmother, led intense and moving prayers for the legs of my five-year-old brother.  He had been diagnosed with a disease that would prevent him from ever walking.

santorini at sunset

Wishing You a Heart full of Meraki

“Meraki” is something you do with passion, from the heart, with absolute devotion, and undivided attention—similar to the total devotion of a mother to her child.

Myths, Oracles, Magnetism & Attunement

When I was in India in 1990, I met a female Hindu mystic who was able to use her consciousness in a way that I never imagined.  Just by deeply attuning her own exalted awareness to particular mythical deities from the higher yugas she could invoke them to tell her their stories.  

duomo under pink sky

Non-Violence, the Eclipse, Dwapara Yuga & You

With so many wars and violence swirling around this planet, what are we to do? I think about this every morning and evening when I finish my meditation.  Who do I pray for now?  Which country needs the most prayers?  And on and on….

astral planet

Driving the Astral Highway

On this planet that we currently inhabit, there’s a little-known highway that travelers can experience, if they so desire. It’s a highway so subtle it requires a magnitude of spiritual willingness even to begin.

heart in coffee

How Deep is Your Love?

As a teenager, I remember hearing on the radio a popular song called How Deep is Your Love? Reflecting on my adolescent conception of love, it was all about some of those lyrics—”And you come to me on a summer breeze, keep me warm in your love then you softly leave, and it’s me you need to show, how deep is your love?”

chakras emitting light

Sound Healing of the Rishis & CPAK

One of the things that Yogananda professed was sound healing, which he called “the most powerful force in the universe.” Music penetrates more deeply into our consciousness, and into the brain and nervous system, than do paintings and other visual images. We have limited control over music’s effects once it enters our neural network.

woman in a kayak

Your Thoughts, Consciousness, Healing, Success & Creativity

Because man himself is an expression of the Creative Word, sound has the most potent and immediate effect, offering a way to remembrance of divine origin. – P. Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi