The challenges that face our planet are formidable
Daily headlines call our attention to such concerns as wars, global warming, petroleum shortages, species extinction, and food source depletion.
New methods of education are needed
These problems highlight the need for a change in consciousness, in keeping with Einstein’s statement, “no problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.” New methods of education are needed. New Horizons Gap Year offers “higher education for higher consciousness”. We allow students to experience what it’s like to live in a spiritual community and be a part of a higher consciousness lifestyle that’s helping the planet and others.
Learn to live in harmony with your own inner self
Living in harmony with others and the rest of the world means also discovering how-to-live in harmony with your own inner self. Our approach to self-transformation includes practical tools for inner peace and happiness. Throughout your Gap Year Experience, practicing simple techniques you learn here will offer you more clarity of mind. You’ll have the opportunity to live in a supportive environment that nurtures your own transformation.
Focusing on values of compassion, inner happiness, success, and courage
New Horizon Gap Year uses learning styles which stress universal values of compassion, inner happiness, success, and courage, qualities that are supportive of a balanced life, intellectually, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. New Horizons Gap Year can help prepare you for entering a new life, whether college-bound or career-focused.
Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of optimum human functioning. Instead of focusing on mental illness, which has been the primary domain of psychology throughout the 20th century, Positive Psychology uses proven methods to achieve greater happiness, contentment and joy. Coursework is based on the popular course at Harvard University and includes practical exercises as well psychological theory.
Raja Yoga: Eastern Philosophy

Raja Yoga refers to the Vedic wisdom which first appeared in India thousands of years ago. It is the classic yoga; not the physical postures that are well known in the west, but the wisdom tradition from which they emerged. Topics include ethics, karma, reincarnation, and the nature of the Self. These topics, and others, will be explored through discussions and readings from the classic 2,000 year old Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, as well as contemporary authors.
World Cultures & Consciousness

World Cultures & Consciousness presents a unique approach to history and consciousness that examines individual cultures, society, and Vedic planetary cycles.
We recently hosted a series of twenty webinars with authors, researchers, and teachers involved in the field of consciousness studies including Science, Mythology, Yoga Philosophy, Psychology and more. Webinars are available here on-demand for your enjoyment and inspiration.
Travel Abroad to Greece

We will travel together to Greece. This travel follows the 10-week “Comparative Mythology of Greece, Egypt and India” course which is viewed through the lens of the Yuga Cycles of Time. Mini classes and comments given during the tour.
Intentional Community Leadership

Small cooperative communities appear to be a viable solution to many societal ills and may someday transform the world. Our community and campus is a living, thriving, and successful laboratory for such a solution.
Holistic Health & Healing

Explore comprehensive approaches to alternative and complementary healing modalities for body and mind. Students receive an introduction to the most widely used healing practices in the East and West.
Yoga Philosophy

Yoga is not just about postures. The main philosophy behind yoga is that there is inherent unity in and between all things. Explore the philosophical ideas behind the deepest dimension of body, mind, and soul.
Inspirational Arts

The Arts can be a powerful tool for finding purpose and meaning in life and for developing positive and expansive personal and social perspectives.