Recording: Practical Sound and Nature Therapy, November 25 2017

Groundbreaking technology is allowing us to peer into the inner workings of nature and ourselves. Sharing his experiences from running hundreds of Sound Healing events and observing their transformative effects on people, Gary will discuss the chain of connectivity triggered by Nature Therapy. By reconnecting people with nature, such therapy takes us back to our childlike innocence, perception, and appreciation for the beauty of nature and indeed our own hearts. Don’t miss this one! It will be a fascinating and illuminating view of our inner world, including practical tips that you can apply in your next nature outing.

Gary Evans and his wife, Olga Terebenina, have caught the attention of the mainstream with their spiritually minded innovative events business. They have based their company’s philosophy on a combination of ancient wisdom and new scientific measuring techniques. The result of which has led them to organize Sound Therapy sessions in household-name technology companies. On top of this they now work with a UK wide wildlife charity, state wildlife organization, and universities in the US and UK. They have even caught the attention of BBC TV!