

International Travel…
“The international travel was one of the highlights of my experience.” -BR, Santa Cruz, CA

Like Minded Friends…
“I loved the opportunity to meet like-minded new friends also interested in higher consciousness…”
VL, St. Paul, MN

CPAK Conference…
“The trips throughout California and attending the CPAK conference on Precession and Ancient knowledge were great and really fun!” MK, Providence, RI

Beautiful Community…
“The community there is so beautiful. Hard to believe that such a place exists.” I plan to come back and visit a lot.” SK, Scottsdale, AZ

Spiritual Perspective
“I came here to learn to teach and live from a spiritual perspective. Here, I’ve learned more about myself and about life than I ever could have imagined. I dreamed of attending a program where spiritual growth is a priority with wise and compassionate instructors and where people live in harmony as a big extended family. M.F., Utah

Walking the Walk
“I like that they don’t just ‘talk the talk, but walk the walk.’ The people here live what they teach about: community, cooperation and higher consciousness. Surprised more people don’t know about this place.” BL, Sacramento, CA