Healing yourself using the mind & mantras
Once, many years ago I witnessed a healing that’s taken half a lifetime to understand.
I was quite young, perhaps only six. My mother, raised by a Christian Scientist grandmother, led intense and moving prayers for the legs of my five-year-old brother. He had been diagnosed with a disease that would prevent him from ever walking.
Our family couldn’t afford expensive hospitalization, so my mother used her strong will and focused mind to magnetize a healing. For many years my little brother used braces, crutches and a wheelchair to get around. Sometimes my older brothers carried him on their shoulders. Despite the many obstacles, my mother never stopped her prayers. By the time he reached high school, he could walk and do sports, no longer requiring a wheelchair.
It was indeed a miracle.
Nowadays, thanks to Eastern thought, meditation, healing prayers, mantras and higher awareness, we have many tools to help us on our healing journey.
Yuga Cycles Influence Our Consciousness

Although we are now living in early Dwapara Yuga, it is still a time of transition when both the old (Kali Yuga) and new (Dwapara Yuga) energies are influencing human affairs. According to David (Byasa) Steinmetz, co-author of The Yugas: Keys to Understanding Our Hidden Past, Emerging Present and Future Enlightenment, there is a strong resistance to change. “People everywhere want desperately to turn back the clock and hold on to the old values of Kali Yuga,” he says.
We see this happening in medicine and health, education, business, and government.
In Ascending Dwapara Yuga (the current age of Energy), old ways leftover from Kali Yuga (the lowest materialistic age) will begin to disappear. More and more we’ll use light rays and lasers for healing. New forms of healing will be discovered as our consciousness ascends upward.
In just 2,076 more years, our planet will enter the period known as Treta Yuga. During this time period we will have unimaginable mind powers. Then, our Dwapara tools for healing will eventually give way to the Treta Yuga tools of mind power and intuition.
In Treta Yuga, our mind power will be highly developed, giving us all great wisdom. With wisdom will come more global security. Humans will finally realize their interconnectedness with each other and with all that is. We’ll be able to communicate telepathically, know other’s thoughts, even across great distances. Our mental powers will become greatly enhanced.
In late Treta Yuga, we will learn to manifest whatever we need. We may actually leave technology behind and choose to live more simply and naturally.

By the time we are in Treta Yuga many humas will have psychic abilities that allow us to move objects just by using our minds, without any physical contact. Perhaps this is how ancient structures like the Great Pyramid were built—with consciousness and mind power.
Using Treta Yuga Tools
We don’t have to wait a few thousand more years to begin sharpening our mind power. There are simple things we can do now, each day:
- Strengthen your will power by focusing at the spiritual eye
- Create a good new habit then practice it daily
- Memorize mantras and then use them
- Meditate longer and deeper
- Practice Kriya Yoga for higher consciousness
- Play music that lifts your consciousness
- Train your mind to think positive thoughts
- Learn to ask God or your guru for help
- Have satsang with like-minded people

(Above) Intriguing figurines from a museum in Crete (near the Cycladic Islands), are believed to be from the Descending Treta Yuga period in Greece. In Treta Yuga, one’s thoughts and mind power enable super-human feats.

Create A Positive New Habit
When trying to change something, or create a positive new healing habit, it helps to learn how to engage our will to succeed.
Chart a course for yourself and write down your progress. Some say it takes 40 days to create a new habit, others say it takes 66 days, and still other studies have shown it can take 18 to 254 days to create a new habit.
“Habits,” Yogananda said, “can be changed in a day. They are nothing but concentrations of the mind.”
Yogananda used to tell his students never to let anyone weaken their will.
“In order to develop will power, you must realize that behind your will is the will of God. As often as possible, determine to do one little thing which you think you cannot do. When you have accomplished that goal, go on to something slightly bigger. Keep on exercising your will power in this way. Use your will power in the routines of everyday life, in business, and in meditation. It is will power that has created everything, even your body.” –P Yogananda

In Treta Yuga, most people will be peace-loving.
Never Give Up
His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet is very familiar with the phrase never give up. He had his country taken from him by the Chinese, many of his monks and nuns were murdered, and were it not for the kindness and compassion of India, who gave him land to live on, he would be homeless.
When our college had a private audience with him in 2005 at his home in McLeaod Ganj, India, his advice to us was to visit other spiritual groups, so as to develop compassion and understanding of others.
His strength of mind is impenetrable. Through all that he has suffered and lost, to this day he remains a beacon of hope for Tibetan people.
Yet even with such a powerful mind, he is one of the most childlike, joyful human beings I’ve ever met. He does not hold hatred toward the Chinese, only compassion and forgiveness.
So once you have created an indomitable will for yourself, it’s helpful to keep your heart like a saint—full of love and compassion for others.
In Treta Yuga, most people will be peace-loving and compassionate.
Listen to Music That Elevates Your Mind
Sacred mantras like Om, (the highest mantra) or the Gayatri or Maha Mrityunjaya mantra, when played or recited over and over have an uplifting effect on the mind.
Says Swami Kriyananda, “We are a part of sound. If you can pronounce a mantra correctly you can achieve certain effects. In essence, we are composed of vibration, composed of sound. So music, and the music we listen to is very important.”
The Om mantra is said to be the first sound from which the universe came into being, and is considered the supreme, absolute consciousness. Chanting or listening to this mantra offers many healing benefits. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, help align a person with higher forces, increase self-awareness and spiritual growth. It can also help improve one’s concentration and focus. Some use it for mindful relaxation and even to help boost the immune system.
The Life Mantra, written by Kriyananda and performed by the Ananda choir, had an unusual effect on the singers. Several of the singers experienced heavenly or astral entities surrounding them as they performed it.
As we evolve spiritually, we gradually learn new ways to heal ourselves and others. The more we meditate, the more intuitive we become. Perhaps someday our intuition will show us how powerful our own minds have become.
“Whenever you see a beautiful sunset, think to yourself: ‘It is God’s painting on the sky.’ As you look into the face of each person you meet, think within: ‘It is God who has become that form.’ Apply this trend of thought to all experiences. ‘The blood in my body is God; the reason in my mind is God; the love in my heart is God; everything that exists is God.” —P. Yogananda